How do I find my car paint color code?
- In Your Owner’s Manual
Your car color code will also be in your owner’s manual
- Through Vehicle
Paint codes for cars can be found in various places – You just need to know where to look! If you don’t know your car paint codes. Simply search in the given picture .
The Color Code stated by you is what I want but the Color Name is different. Is this the same paint?
- Yes, the paint is more dependent on the actual Color Code rather then the Color name, which may vary
- For example, you know your vehicle was painted in “Sandstone” either from the window sticker, the plate of the vehicle or maybe the dealer told you another name like “Heather Mist.”
Your color code on your vehicle says “YR-509M”. You look on our site and for YR-509M it says “Granite Silver Metallic Clear coat.” This is your correct color! The color name is not important, just the color code.
What is the Mixture ratio of Thinner and paint?
- General thumb rule is – a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of paint to thinner or similar ratio is appropriate.
- Keep in mind that It is important to keep the amount of paint higher than the amount of paint thinner.
- If paint thinner ratio is more then the paint may get too thin and will cause the color shade to be lighter than desired on the finished surface.
What is basecoat paint and how is it applied?
- It’s the actual colored paint of the vehicle that would go on top of the primer layer..
- It is important to keep the amount of paint higher than the amount of paint thinner.
- Base coats does not contain any strengtheners or hardeners.
Applying Basecoat
Multiple coats of base coat you apply.
- Usually 3 to 4 coats of base are good. But if it’s not covering, you can use more. 5to10 minutes between base coats.
Take time between coats of paint
- Experts recommend leaving a minimum of two to four hours of drying time between each coat for best results.
No Sand between coats.
- No sanding should be done between coats (with a few exceptions).
What is Clear coat and how is it applied?
- Clear coat car paint is paint or resin with no pigments and hence imparts no color to the car.
- It’s simply a layer of clear resin that is applied over colored resin.
Using a clear coat
- A clear coat can be used for several reasons, a few of these are:
- to prevent oxidation of the colored coat
- To change the reflective index, changing the level and type of gloss
- to increase the overall thickness of the layer of paint.
Apply clear coat over old paint
- Clear coat can be applied over existing clear coat, as long as it is in good condition.
- If you spray clear over that single stage metallic without sanding, in most paint types, you’ll get no adhesion with the clear.
- It may look fine, but the first impact will chip it.
Wait between basecoat and clear-coat
- You want to give about 15-20 minutes in between base coats and then about 20-30 minutes after your last base Coat before you apply the clear coat. If you wait 48 hours, the base coat will be too dry and the clear coat will have a harder time sticking to it.
Peeling and touch up fix it
- The peeling is caused by clear-coat failure.
- The thinner your clear coat layer is the harder it is for it to protect itself, and your color layer, from UV rays and oxidizing.
What is a primer and how is it applied?
- Primers are the most common undercoats used when refinishing car bodies.
- They’re used to build up and level feathered areas or rough surfaces and to provide a smooth surface for paint.
- Priming seals the surface and creates a protective barrier.
- Creating the ideal surface for the color coat paint.
- Primer creates an enduring and beautiful covering for your car’s body.
- Paint to be strong and adhere well to the surface below it.
- Always apply a coat of primer before you paint.
If you don’t use primer before painting.
- If you skip priming, you risk peeling paint, especially in humid conditions.
- Moreover, the lack of adhesion could make cleaning more difficult months after the paint has dried.
Primer prevent rust.
- For steel coatings, priming is key to preventing the formation of rust. …
- These will not only prevent rust from forming, but will eliminate any rust already formed on the surface.
- It may look fine, but the first impact will chip it.
- “A lot of our primers have rust preventive properties. They will stop any rust from adhering to the surface or will kill the rust
Mix primer and hardener.
- Most two-pack primers are mixed at a ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 with a compatible hardener.
- It is the presence of two separate packs (in this case, the primer and the hardener) that give two-pack materials their name.
What is tri-coat paint and How is it Applied?
- Tricoat is a Three Stage Color meaning that it consists of three parts, First is Groundcoat or basecoat , Second is the Transparent color Midcoat and Third is Clearcoat.. The mid-coat color is applied very thin and adds additional depth to the paint.
- First apply the basecoat. This is the main color coat. Make sure this has thoroughly dried for at least a few hours. Next, apply the mid-coat layer. This bottle (or spray can) will have a check by the word Tri-coat (or Mid-coat). This color goes on very thinly and you must practice a bit to get it right. Finally, you apply the clear-coat to achieve the correct color.
- When spraying tri-coats, apply the basecoat first. Spray the mid-coat out even farther than the basecoat or you will create a paint layer line. The best was to spray tri-coats is to spray the entire panel to the edge so there are no paint layer lines. Again, practice, practice, practice off the vehicle first before applying a tri-coat to your vehicle!
- Make sure to get the primer and basecoat sanded very smooth before applying the additional stages of paint. The primer should be wet sanded before applying the paint. Once the mid-coat is applied over the basecoat, it becomes very difficult to smooth the basecoat paint. You can use #1000 grit Sand paper or rubbing compound (cutting crème) to smooth the paint. Always let the basecoat dry thoroughly before applying the mid-coat. Then, let the mid-coat dry thoroughly before applying the clear-coat.
The real trick is applying the mid-coat over the basecoat to achieve the right color. It’s like using a colored transparent piece of plastic (think Saran Wrap with colors) over the basecoat to change the color. Add too little, and the basecoat won’t be changed enough; add too much, and you will change the basecoat too much and have to start over again. Make sure you PRACTICE OFF the vehicle to see how it turns out and keep comparing your practice work to the vehicle color. Mid-coats are best sprayed, but if you use very thin coats, you can do a reasonable job.
I ordered touch up paint but received 2 bottles, "ground-coat" and "mid-coat". What do I do?
- The Color Code /Color Name you ordered is a Tricoat Color meaning it is a Three stage Color, consisting of three parts. A Groundcoat (Basecoat), Midcoat and Clearcoat. Please read the Tips on how to apply Tricoat colors in the Topics listed
What is single stage paint automotive?
- Single stage coatings as indicated in the name is that after primer this is sprayed on and your done. There is no need of Clearcoat, because the base coat is made with ingredients that give it a glossy finish.
For a Better Glossy Finish the difference between single stage and 2 stage paint.
- With Non Single Stage paints you will need to add a layer of Clearcoat after the priming and paint steps, giving the vehicle a glassy finish that is much more visible than single stage paint.
- Single stage painting is less expensive and can be applied more quicker.
What does 1K and 2K paint mean?
- 1K paint is a more average used paint which is suitable for common use, whereas a 2K paint is a lot harder wearing paint which is designed to withstand weathering, general abrasion and certain chemicals.
How long does 1K paint take to dry?
- 1K paint requires that it be air dried, therefore takes more time to fully cure then the 2K paint. In some cases it can take up to 3-4 weeks to fully cure and making it difficult to flat out any runs or imperfections.
How long does 2K paint take to dry?
- Dry time much quicker the 1K, generally it takes around 24 to 48 hours
- You can also speed it up by using baking lamps . The humidity in the location has the biggest effect.
What is Hardener / Activator and Reducer?
- Modern automotive paints are activated with hardeners to promote faster drying times.
- An activator, in any 2K (2 part clear, epoxy primer etc) begins the chemical curing process.
- Activator is an optional item to add to the paint and the paint would still dry without it
- Reducer is added to help the material flow through the spray gun easily.
- The mixing process is a vitally important aspect of automotive refinishing work.
How Much Paint Do I Need to Paint My Car in Aerosol?
- Find out how much paint to order using considerations which may affect your paint quantity.
Front Bumper:
- Front Bumper would approximately require 3 Basecoat Aerosols and 3 Clearcoat Aerosols
Rear Bumper
- Rear Bumper would approximately require 3 Basecoat Aerosols and 3 to 4 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Front Door or Rear Door
- Front or Rear Door would approximately require 2 Basecoat Aerosols and 2 Clearcoat Aerosols.
- The Roof would approximately require 3 Basecoat Aerosols and 3 Clearcoat Aerosols.
- The Hood would approximately require 3 Basecoat Aerosols and 3 Clearcoat Aerosols.
- The Vehicle Trunk would approximately require 3 Basecoat Aerosols and 2 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Front Fender
- The Front Fender would approximately require 2 Basecoat Aerosols and 2 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Rear Quarter Panel
- The Front Fender would approximately require 2 Basecoat Aerosols and 2 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Side View Mirror
- The Side View Mirror would approximately require 1 Basecoat Aerosols and 1 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Sail Panel
- The Sail Panel would approximately require 1 Basecoat Aerosols and 1 Clearcoat Aerosols.
Paint requirement in Gallons and Quarts to paint Small/Medium/large sized Vehicles
- In Reference with the size of the Vehicle.
For Smaller sized vehicle approximately 2 Quarts or half a Gallon of paint would be needed.
For Medium sized Vehicles approximately 3 Quarts or 0.75 gallons of paint would be needed.
For Larger sized Vehicles approximately 6 to 7 Quarts or around 1.5 to 1.75 Gallons of paint would be needed.
What is the Method to Touch up deep rock chips and scratches on a car?
- First sand the affected area to remove the top layers of paint.
- Then rinse the sanded area before applying the primer.
- After the Primer has dried, Spray on the paint.
- And Finally rub compound on the painted area.
What is the wait period until I can drive or wash my car after touch up is applied?
- In 99% of all cases the car can be driven immediately.
- In most cases the car can be washed in 1-2 days after the touch up is applied.
Paint peeling remedy?
- The peeling is caused by clear coat failure.
- We don’t ever recommend letting anyone use a machine on your paint unless it’s in dire need.
- When someone uses a machine or clay bar on your paint, what they are actually doing is sanding the clear coat off very finely; and sometimes not so finely.
- The thinner your clear coat layer is the harder it is for it to protect itself, and your color layer, from UV rays and oxidizing. That is how hazing and flaking happen. Once the flaking starts your only option is to repaint the panel(s).
How to spray paint a car step by step?
- Before painting your car, try the auto paint on another surface like a metal can or an old picture to test the match. Let it dry, and if it looks good, you are ready to start the scratch repair.
- For best scratch repair results, find a place (like your garage) that has low humidity, is not in direct sunlight, and is at least 50°F for brush cap bottles and paint pens, and at least 70°F for car spray paint..
- Clean the auto paint area you want to touch up using soap or wax and grease remover. If your auto paint is rusty, remove all traces of rust with 220 grit sandpaper or a wire brush.
- Use very thin coats of primer and let it dry at least 20 minutes to overnight. Never use enamel primer.
- This is the actual auto paint color you ordered to fix your car scratch. Apply several thin coats to get the level of the repaired scratch to match the level of the surrounding car paint. Let it dry at least 20 minutes to overnight.
- Apply several thin layers of clear coat, letting it dry between coats (about 10-20 min). Be careful when applying clear-coat. You need to float it over the basecoat. Clear-coat acts like a solvent and any pressure applied will remove the basecoat.
- To make it shine. Wait at least three days, then apply rubbing compound to the entire area of car paint you fixed. This will make it smooth and shiny. Wait at least 30 days before waxing.
How do you Blend new paint with old paint?
- Use 1,500-grit wet sandpaper dipped in a bucket of water.
- Use this wet sandpaper from the water and rub across the surface you’ve just repainted in long, fluid strokes.
- The sandpaper will remove any bumps, paint flecks and impurities in your paint job and will blend the new paint in with the old.
You sent me a 7 oz can. The description on amazon says one pint Ready to Spray?
Vehicle Size
The mix ratio is 1:1 (approx depending on the density of the particular color) Ready to spray means that the reducer is already added to the color. We sent a full pint which is half color and half reducer… ie ready to spray. The 7 oz is color (which is reported on the label) and the balance of the pint is reducer.
What is the mixing ratio for reducer and hardener for Single Stage Paint?
8 Parts paint to 2 parts reducer to 1 part hardener. It does not require hardener but it will give a faster dry time and more durable finish with the hardener. If not using hardener then mix ratio is 4:1 with reducer.
What type of hardener is suggested and what is the mixing ratio.?
Any urethane or wet look hardener 8 parts paint to 2 Parts hardener to 1 part reducer.
I recently purchased the Single Stage Audi LY9C Urethane Paint and I wanted to know the Paint, Reducer, Hardener ratio to Mix for this paint. Also what kind of Primer is required for this if painting on plastic (Bumper) for small scratch repairs?
The ratio is 4 parts paint to 2 parts reducer to 1 part hardener/activator. You will need to use adhesion promoter if painting raw plastic. If a primed bumper, then any urethane or epoxy is fine.
Does the pint basecoat product come premixed or do I need to reduce it?
It will need to be mixed 2 parts paint to 1 part urethane reducer (appropriate temp)
Can I just use the Quart Ready to Spray straight out of the can in to a spray gun and paint?
Yes this is Ready to Spray. The procedure to use Ready to Spray is as Follows
Shake stir with a paint stick. Strain it right into the gun cup. Use a gun with a 1.3-1.4 tip size. Apply 2-3 medium wet coats or until covered. Allow each coat to dry hand stick (dull) before going to the next coat. A final mist coat can be used to make the metallic appear more even. Do not solvent clean or sand in between coats of basecoat color. Allow the basecoat to dry a minimum of 15 minutes to apply clear-coat.